St. The Synod of the Church of Constantinople canonized Saint Nikiforos Leper (in the world Nikolai Zanikakis) on 04 December 2012. Saint Nikiforos (1887-1964) is a saint of our time. He suffered from Hansen's Disease, leprosy, in a time when little was known about the disease or potential cures.

St. Nikiforos was born into a rural family in the Cretan village of Sirikari. At 13, he has leprosy. At that time (the beginning of the 20th century), the Cretans sent lepers to the Spinalonga Peninsula, so when, at the age of 16, his illness became visible, Nicholai left for Alexandria, where he continued to work as a barbershop. When leprosy began spreading to his face and hands, a priest advised him to go to oh. Chios, where there was a social institution for the treatment of lepers, built by Father Anthimos.
St. Nikiforos arrived in Chios in 1914 at the age of 24. There, he had the opportunity to perfect himself in virtue. He worked in the gardens, was a singer in the temple. He prayed around the clock. Then, because of his illness, he lost his sight. In 1965, the lepers were moved to the Athens region of Egaleo. Because of his boundless patience and love for his neighbor, the Lord gave him the gift of prophecy and comfort to the suffering. Those who know him tell him that in his life he has not grieved any heart. When he died on January 4, 1964, his relics came out fragrant. The many miracles that happened in his prayers were recorded by the disciple of the Reverend Father Eumenes and the believers.