Iconography, Orthodox icon Hand painted, icons for sale by ArtByChimevi
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Iconography, Orthodox icon Hand painted, icons for sale by ArtByChimevi
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Custom art orthodox icon
Orthodox Icons
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Orthodox Ostrich Egg Art
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Custom art orthodox icon
Orthodox Icons
Orthodox Cardboard Art
Orthodox Ostrich Egg Art
St. Nicholas, Orthodox St. Nicholas Icon, Byzantine icon, iconography
St. Monica icon, hand painted, orthodox icon, Byzantine icon, iconography,
Theotokos, Deesis, Icon of the Mother of God, Byzantine art, orthodox gift, religious icons
Our Holy Mother Of Perpetual Succour, Hand painted, orthodox icon, Mother of God, Byzantine icon, Virgin Theotokos of the Passion
St. Margaret of Scotland icon, saint art, religious icon, hand painted, orthodox icon, Byzantine icon, iconography,
St. Stephen Protomartyr and Archdeacon, hand painted icon, christian gift, orthodox icon, orthodox gift, saints iconography
Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Icon of Christ the Pantokrator , Christ "the Light-Giver, christian icon, iconography, handpainted icon
Icon of the Lord Jesus Christ, hand painted, orthodox icon, byzantine iconography, christian icon, orthodox gift, religious gift
Saint Abigail icon, St. Gobnait icon, Deborah religious icon, icon hand painted, iconography
Byzantine icon of Saint George, St George the Great-Martyr, hand painted, orthodox icon, iconography, religious icon, Christian gift
St John of Rila, St. Ivan Rilski, hand painted orthodox icon , MADE TO ORDER, Byzantine icon, orthodox gift, iconography
St. Nicholas, The Miracle of Saint Nicholas and the Virgins, Orthodox icon hand-painted, iconography
St. Brigid icon, Hand-Painted Icon, St. Brigid of Kildare, iconography
St Patrick icon hand painted, St. Patrick the Bishop of Armagh and Enlightener of Ireland, iconography
Icon of St. Elizabeth the New Martyr, hand painted orthodox icon, The Holy New Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth
St. Silouan the Athonite, Holy Father Silouan, icon hand painted, orthodox icon, iconography
Saint Simeon the God receiver Icon, iconography, Simeon the God-Receiver orthodox icon, byzantine icon
Odigitria (Hodegetria), icon of the Mother of God (Guide),Byzantine Icon Theotokos, Holy Virgin Mary, The icon of the Mother of God
The Mother of God of Vladimir , Theotokos of Vladimir, Hand-Painted Icon, Russian religious icon, gift orthodox
Icon of Our Lady of Fatima, Most Holy Theotokos, Byzantine, christian, orthodox icon, iconography Virgin Mary, Mother of God
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